Monthly Archives: January 2015

The Greeks voted for socialism, let’s hope they don’t get it

The new hard-left Syriza government may manage to keep Greece in the Euro or they may not. In many ways though the story will be much the same:the Greeks will go through an immensely difficult economic period and eventually they will need to introduce market reforms and a streamlined public sector. They will eventually introduce Thatcherism.

More likely for the moment is that the Greeks will become the latest of the battered spouses of socialism, economic policy will consist of granting money to favoured groups or hare-brained schemes, weakening real incentives to produce.

The abusive partner is an metaphor for socialism: always talking of love but in reality seeking control.  The fact is that the greatest trick socialism ever pulled is convincing people it exists. There are in reality two economic systems available to humanity: capitalism, where people co-operate for their own ends, and feudalism, where people are directed for the rulers’ ends. Socialism is simply the latter in disguise. The disguise of course never lasts, and when that happens the result is so often the same, the protestations of love turn to hate as the system finds victims to blame the people’s woes.

Still we might be lucky, maybe Syriza will introduce capitalism in  disguise instead.